Alamak aih, my beloved sista aka BONDA Tag I lagi ler....
1) yOu just gO tO yOur phOtO fOlder in yOur cOmputer
- Ok,semuanya da pindah masuk dalam new HD... hihihi
2) then gO tO the 6th fOlder Of phOtOs..
- Okeh, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ahah, ni dia..Folder Last Day in PCM...Open sesame =p
3) then gO tO the 6th picture in that fOlder..
- 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6..gOt it..gamba ni..hmmmm.....cun x?
4) put the picture On yOur blOg n descriptiOn Of it..
- Wokes, pic ni snap mase my last working day kat Panasonic Communication dulu....wit my close buddy, shu (ni mase melawat department dia...opish dia atas opish I)...kitorang kenal mase study kat Poli KB lagi...walopun same course, but lain kelas...even kat PCM nih pun lain department...I kat software Department n Shu lak kat Mechanikal Deparment...but we still live in same department..RND Department... windunye kawan2 mase kat PCM dulu.... well, minah kilang...even we ollz duk dlm opish, but we ollz still need to wear uniform kilang you...
5) invite 6 friends tO jOin the challenge
- alamak... x cukup owg la...huhu
6) link them in yOur blOg n let them knOw they have been challenged.
- Bunda da wat la...then da takde owg lai...
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